Victoria’s Goldfield Walks


• Our aim is to combine traditional book publishing with online content and compatibility.
• GPS tracks can be viewed on either Google Earth (as a visual overview of the walk) or uploaded to your hand-held navigation device. These files can also be opened on various mapping software packages (such as MapSource) to access detailed information (such as elevation profiles).
• Many of our published walks will eventually be freely available as both .gpx and .kmz files from the drop-down menu.
• We map most of our walking trails using a hand-held Garmin GPSmap 60CSx device. If you don’t own a Garmin GPS device, don’t fret. All of our original Garmin .gdb files have been converted to .gpx files (GPS eXchange Format). This popular open format is commonly used to exchange waypoint, route and track data between various brands of GPS devices and mapping software.
• All of our .gpx files have been simplified to under 500 track points for faster downloading.
• Waypoint data is provided on all our .gpx files and will be kept up to date where possible.


Simply click on the KMZ link with your cursor and the .kmz file will automatically open in Google Earth (as long as you have it installed on your machine). You can left click on the GPX link and save it as a file to your computer. This file can then be uploaded to your hand-held navigation device. Google Earth also has native support for .gpx files containing GPS data. In Google Earth go to File > Open and navigate to your folder containing the downloaded .gpx file. If you cannot see the .gpx file in your folder try selecting the right file type (All File Types). Open the file.


Walk #Walk nameFile for GPS deviceFile for Google Earth
1Creswick Forest Walk1-Creswick-Forest-Walk.gpx1-Creswick-Forest-Walk.kmz
2Mt Beckworth2-Mt-Beckworth.gpx2-Mt-Beckworth.kmz
3Tipperary Track3-Tipperary-Track.gpx3-Tipperary-Track.kmz
4Daylesford Forest4-Daylesford-Forest.gpx4-Daylesford-Forest.kmz
5Three Lost Children Walk5-Three-Lost-Children-Walk.gpx5-Three-Lost-Children-Walk.kmz
6Babbington Hill6-Babbington-Hill.gpx6-Babbington-Hill.kmz
7Tarilta Creek Gorge7-Tarilta-Creek-Gorge.gpx7-Tarilta-Creek-Gorge.kmz
8Two Creeks Walk8-Two-Creeks-Walk.gpx8-Two-Creeks-Walk.kmz
9Golden Gullies9-Golden-Gullies.gpx9-Golden-Gullies.kmz
10Castlemaine to Vaughan Springs10-Castlemaine-to-Vaughan-Springs.gpx10-Castlemaine-to-Vaughan-Springs.kmz
11Spring Gully & Break Neck Hill11-Spring-Gully-Break-Neck-Hill.gpx11-Spring-Gully-Break-Neck-Hill.kmz
12Sailors Gully & the Welsh Village12-Sailors-Gully-the-Welsh-Village.gpx12-Sailors-Gully-the-Welsh-Village.kmz
13Expedition Pass Reservoir13-Expedition-Pass-Reservoir.gpx13-Expedition-Pass-Reservoir.kmz
14Maldon & Mt Tarrengower14-Maldon-Mt-Tarrengower.gpx14-Maldon-Mt-Tarrengower.kmz
15Mandurang Walk15-Mandurang-Walk.gpx15-Mandurang-Walk.kmz
16Mt Ida & the Dargile Forest16-Mt-Ida-the-Dargile-State-Forest.gpx16-Mt-Ida-the-Dargile-State-Forest.kmz
17McIvor Range17-McIvor-Range.gpx17-McIvor-Range.kmz
18Mt Alexander18-Mt-Alexander.gpx18-Mt-Alexander.kmz
19Cobaw Forest19-Cobaw-Forest.gpx19-Cobaw-Forest.kmz
20Macedon Ranges Trail20-Macedon-Ranges-Trail.gpx20-Macedon-Ranges-Trail.kmz