So, what are e-books?
E-books are digital versions of our print guidebooks. For many people it is now more convenient to purchase an e-book and read it using a hand-held device such as a tablet or laptop. Open Spaces have now started the process of converting our popular print guidebooks to the Adobe PDF format. There are various other types of formats out there (epub files are best suited to Apple, Nook and Kobo and .mobi file are best suited to Kindle devices), but PDF files can be read on the widest range of tablets and all laptops and desk-top computers. You will, however, require a PDF reader to view a PDF document. A PDF reader (or viewer) is usually available for free. We recommend the free Adobe Reader software. Adobe Reader is available from the Adobe website. For Apple devices (such as iPads) you should check out iBooks, which can be downloaded for free here.
What are the differences between our print guides and the PDF e-book versions?
In most cases the PDF version is identical to the print version. Because we optimize the layouts to be viewed as a single page (not a spread) there will be some changes to styling and layout where necessary. As we add more titles to our range of e-books we will also have the ability to update and revise guides where we can. As an example, we will be able to update a walking trail description where it has been changed or altered since the publication of the print version. All our PDF e-books will have an interactive contents page which means you can click on the chapter heading of your choice and be taken directly to the relevant page.
Can I edit or copy text from my PDF e-book?
The way we have created our PDFs means that you cannot edit, insert or copy the text. This is to ensure that the copyright laws and agreements with our hard-working authors are respected. You can, however, print the individual e-book pages. We only ask that you don’t copy the PDF file then email it to all your mates! We’d also like it if you confine your use of the PDF to non-commercial purposes. This means that our authors and editors will actually earn a few bucks for all their efforts. Oh yeah, unlike some companies that like to track your IP address each time you open your e-book, we have no interest in following your reading activities and have not incorporated such tools into your e-book.
What happens when I purchase an e-book?
Immediately after purchasing an e-book guide you will receive a confirmation email with a highlighted link to your e-book. Click on this link and save the download to a destination on your computer. This link will remain active for 10 days after which it will expire.