Walk 57 (Andrew Hill)

Kinglake National Park is closed due to the February 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Approximately 98% of the park, including the office and most visitor facilities, were completely burnt.

By Open Spaces

Information, updates and news items are supplied by Open Spaces administration and may be sourced via our staff, authors, clubs and various land managers such as Parks Victoria.


  1. Hi,

    Just thought I’d post here to say that some of the tracks around Andrew Hill have reopened. See the Kinglake National Park page on ParkWeb (www.parkweb.vic.gov.au) for details. I made up a partial circuit from the reopened tracks and posted it on my blog here – http://bushwalkingblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/mountain-creek-track-to-andrew-hill.html – I also wrote a story about it for Great Walks Magazine so check that out if you get the chance (the focus of my blog is more on information than on quality writing).


    1. Hi Neil,
      Thanks for the update. It looks like Parks Victoria have indeed reopened the bulk of this walk (Andrews Hill Track, Mountain Creek Track and Stringybark Track). Of course these are management vehicle tracks and Parks Victoria like to get these open quick smart. The only section remaining to be opened on this particular walk is Blackfish Way, the walking trail which runs parallel to Island Creek. The Gums Camping Area will not reopen until until the end of 2010 and Island Creek Camping Area will be closed until 30 June (at the earliest). In fact most of the dedicated waling trails in the Kinglake National Park don’t appear to be opening until at least the end of this year. BTW, you have a nice site. Cheers, Glenn.

  2. Hi Glenn,

    Thanks for the reply and thanks for checking out my blog. It will be undergoing a massive redesign in the near future so it’s sure to get much better. Now if only I could do this for a living like you guys!


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