Despite the fires nearby, this trail is still open to walkers. From David Lau in January 2013. I thought I’d drop you a line concerning walk 58 in Daywalks Around Melbourne. My wife and I did the walk recently and there have been some track changes since your last edition in 2005. We started at… Continue reading Walk 58 (Tanglefoot Track)
Walk 57 (Andrew Hill)
Kinglake National Park is closed due to the February 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Approximately 98% of the park, including the office and most visitor facilities, were completely burnt.
Walk 56 (Masons Falls Circuit)
Kinglake National Park is closed due to the February 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Approximately 98% of the park, including the office and most visitor facilities, were completely burnt. UPDATE (April 2010): Currently all of the walking trails are closed in the park. Masons Falls Picnic Area and Mt Sugarloaf Picnic areas are also still closed… Continue reading Walk 56 (Masons Falls Circuit)
Walk 55 (Strath Creek and Diggers Falls)
Mount Disappointment State Forest closed due to the February 2009 Black Saturday bushfires.
Walk 41 (Tipperary Track)
Golden Spring is closed for renovation.
Walk 39 (Creswick Forest)
Be careful as there appears to be some confusion with a couple of the track and road names. Even the ‘official’ maps seem not to agree. There is also some confusion (or perhaps realignments) with the described route from the Landcare Centre to where it crosses the Creswick – Daylesford Road. This will be checked… Continue reading Walk 39 (Creswick Forest)
Walk 34 (Whiskey Creek Circuit)
Some walkers have had difficulty finding the continuation of the trail at where it crosses Cowan Creek. The confusion stems from the fact that the trail divides about 50m before the creekbed. The trail straight ahead has now been closed (probably because it is steep and very eroded). The much better and easier trail heads… Continue reading Walk 34 (Whiskey Creek Circuit)
Walk 26 (Werribee Gorge Circuit)
The walk has been much better signposted in the last couple of years and there are no longer any junctions without signs and/or triangle markers. There has also been a major trail realignment beyond the swing gate (p62, at the end of the second paragraph) leading up to the Eastern Viewpoint. The trail now veers… Continue reading Walk 26 (Werribee Gorge Circuit)
Great Ocean Walk (p20)
The walk described in the book ends at Johanna Beach after 57km. The walk now extends as far as Glenample Homestead (91km). There are plans to take the walk even further at some point in the future. The walk must be booked and campsites paid for. Unlike when I researched the walk for the book,… Continue reading Great Ocean Walk (p20)