Falcons Lookout Trail Improvements

Last December Glenn Tempest wrote a blog (Problems with Falcons Lookout and Ironbark Gorge Carpark) commenting on the awful state of the walkers/climbers trail into Falcons Lookout at Werribee Gorge State Park. This trail is one of the most heavily used in Victoria and can see anything up to 60 people use it a day.… Continue reading Falcons Lookout Trail Improvements

Melbourne’s Western Gorges On Sale Now

Great news. Our newest title, Melbourne’s Western Gorges, arrived in our warehouse this morning and will be in the shops from tomorrow. Authored by Glenn Tempest, this is the first in a new A5 series of walking guides to regional areas around Victoria. Melbourne’s Western Gorges covers 20 walks in the Brisbane Ranges National Park,… Continue reading Melbourne’s Western Gorges On Sale Now

Melbourne’s Western Gorges

Great news. Our forthcoming new title, Melbourne’s Western Gorges was handed off to the printers this morning. As long as there are no unexpected delays we expect to see it in our warehouse on the 09 December, just in time for Christmas. This will be the first in a new A5 series of walking guides… Continue reading Melbourne’s Western Gorges

Werribee Gorge – Halfway a Park

Greg and I took advantage of a perfect mid-winter Saturday and descended into Werribee Gorge via Western Bluff and Needles Ridge, one of my favourite daywalks close to Melbourne. This excellent walking trail into the gorge is arguably the most spectacular in the park. I use the word ‘arguably’ since this ridge is in fact on… Continue reading Werribee Gorge – Halfway a Park

Falcons Lookout Images (Werribee Gorge)

[smugmug url=”http://openspaces.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=13634235_VuDuZ&format=rss200″ title=”Falcons%20Lookout%202010″ description=”Local%20rockclimbing%20area%20close%20to%20Melbourne” imagecount=”100″ start=”1″ num=”100″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”smugmug” captions=”true” sort=”true” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”M”]

Werribee Gorge & The Island

The Island, overlooking Junction Pool. Werribee Gorge State Park.

I visited Werribee Gorge State Park on Wednesday. It turned out to be one of those perfect spring days that  Melbourne is justifiably famous for. My friend, Ian, had never been to ‘the gorge’ before and I took the opportunity to show him around what I consider to be one of the most underrated parks… Continue reading Werribee Gorge & The Island

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